Hello all... I am the feature blogger this week at
Parajunkie's View ! I would've had my follow Friday up sooner but I thought I was going to be the feature on July 24th! Guess I got pushed up! Anyways... so for all you new followers.. WELCOME! And sorrow I didn't have this post up sooner so you could leave comments on my Follow Friday! I hope that by being late posting my follow me friday I didn't miss any followers!
It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.
Crazy For Books' Book Blogger Hop
Question this week:
How/Where do you get your books? Do you buy them or go to the library? Is there a certain website you use like paperbackswap?
I always get my books from the library. Rarely do I buy books. This is only because I read so many so if I actually bought them from the bookstore I would be BROKE. Oh but I did recently this year buy a Nook Color so I do have to buy those books.
Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.
Question this week: What do I do when I am not reading? Wow I have sooo many interests outside of reading so I guess I will just pick one. I love love movies. In fact... just this week I camped out at the theater for the final Harry Potter. We started there Wednesday night and watched a double feature last night (and actually I am just getting out of bed). It was so fun... here are some great pictures from the event!
The news crew interviewing the fans.
Raining on the tents... luckily ours was under the overhang
Tents at night
Setting up the tents
Me and my friend outside our tent (I think he is taking a picture of getting his picture taken).
Enjoy... and leave me your link so I can follow you back!!