What is this blog?? Angela's Anxious Life is a blog about really anything that is entertainment. Books.. movies.. video games.... and comics. What is with that crazy name? Well this blog was originally going to be a personal blog but then I started looking at blogs about books and went in that direction instead. I just went ahead and kept the title Angela's Anxious Life! I began blogging in 2010 and have loved it.
Want to know even more about the blog??? Check out:
Picture This on Paper Riot, Blogger Appreciation Week at Hopeful Heroine, Book and a Beverage at Book Addict's Guide,
Around the World at Falling for YA, Utah Blogger by Up in the Blogospere, and
Bloggiesta Challenge from Little Pocket Books.
Who is this chick??? My name is Angie and I love the simple things in life. I love nature, reading, movies, videos games, pets, NASCAR, Denver Bronco football, and so much more. So you will see all of these interests on my blog! I love to get to know all kinds of bloggers. I try to comment back to every single comment and visit all the blogs that comment.
I love goodreads and I moderate two groups on there. The YA Book Club and the Stephen King Fans group.
Stephen King Fans as the name suggests, is a fan group for my favorite author, Stephen King. This group is full of intelligent, fun and active Constant Readers, and discussions regarding King's books are always interesting and thought provoking. There are over 7000 members in the group right now, and it keeps growing. King keeps writing, and publishing great books, and his fan base keeps expanding. We're working our way through all of King's books, reading and discussing them and appreciating King's legacy more and more with each book. He is not the King of Horror for nothing, but the horror is not what makes him great. He understands people, and is able to bring them to life through the pages of his books. We will be doing a read-through of King's magnum opus, the Dark Tower series, starting in October with The Gunslinger. Stop on by if you're interested in giving his books a read... It's sure to be a good time! :) ( I stole this description from my co'mods blog!) Click on the button below!
Young Adult Book Club This group has over 7000 members. I have been a moderator of the group from the beginning, the group recently became a little big for me to keep up with so I recently acquired a co-mod. Welcome everyone who is interested in YA books! Each month we read a book and discuss it with the group! We also talk about all YA literature other than the group read, movies, and YA topics! We love to have volunteer discussion leaders too so if you stop by to check out the group you can even lead a discussion for the book of the month! Click on the button below to check out the book club.
Charlaine Harris
George RR Martin