I read a lot of comics and rarely review them here on the blog. That's because I really don't have a lot to say for an entire post. So I thought I would review several comics on one post. I will still review graphic novels on their own now and then, but this is where I will talk about super-hero type comics (DC/Marvel) or sequels to some that I have already reviewed.
This issue I talk about Fables Vol. 21 Happily Ever After, Fables Vol 22 Farewell, Ares, Bringer of War, and Superman Doomed.
I love this series so much. So to see it start to come to an end is sad. A lot of character's stories are getting wrapped up in this volume... some not in ways I would expect but I am glad to get some closure. There are a lot of dead Fables in this comic though. I read a review that mentioned the fact that the most popular Fables always bounce back because of their popularity with the Mundys (us). So then how are they all dying???? Great point. This volume gives us a lot of details on Snow White and Rose Red and how their stories began. Also... let's be honest what is with this big battle of Rose Red and Snow White.... the answer was kind of a let me down. Plus.. how they are handling Bigby??? NO. That is not the Bigby I know. Only one more volume and yes I am looking forward to see how this whole series ends.
3 out of 5
The final Fables comic. It's been quite a journey. I didn't really love this ending. The ending of the whole Rose Red and Snow White battle was very anticlimactic. A lot of deaths for nothing. This was a lot of comics.. some were good some were bad. Most of the Fables have gone their own ways so instead of a big epic story with all of them this volume was a bunch of short stories about a lot of the characters we have met over time. To be honest some of the characters that got their ending in this novel I had forgotten what happened to them to begin with. Overall this was an excellent series and it was time for it to come to an end. After the defeat of Mr. Dark I think the comic lost it's direction... so it really needed to come to an end. The art in these comics are what always drew me in. Look at this cover for example. The whole cover shows like every single character that was ever in the comic... it even has a key in the back to help you figure out who it who. Genius if you ask me.
3 out of 5
I have really enjoyed this mythology series by O'Connor. It is basically for kids but still can be enjoyed by adults. It's very educational and at the same time quite entertaining. This particular volume isn't just about Ares.. it has a lot of the gods in it. Most of the story is based on the Iliad. An author’s note provides context. Artist’s notes offer additional detail and explain artistic choices. A bibliography and reading recommendations are included. Full-page spreads are devoted to descriptions of, and facts about, Ares, Eris and Achilles. Discussion questions are provided. It really just is great for those of you who are interested in greek mythology. Especially for middle school who might be interested (there is lots of violence in it though so beware). I can't wait for the next book in the series Apollo!! Though it isn't released till 2016.
4 out of 5
I had to read this large volume. Superman VS Doomsday is such a big story in the DC universe so I was curious about the New 52 take on it. Unfortunately I read Superman/Wonder Woman vol 2 first which was so confusing. It is like a chunk of Doomed just mixed into a book that made no sense. This book should be read and Superman/Wonder Woman skipped. I guess the good thing was I was able to skip the parts I had already read. In Doomed Superman and Doomsday face off and Doomsday is some sort of virus that gets into Superman. Superman then changes into Doomsday. This book is a collection of crossovers so you kind of have to be ready for some parts that seem off but I was able to follow the story. This is 500+ pages. That's right.. it's huge. I haven't read the original Death of Superman but I have seen the DC animated movie and liked it. I would say this is a big retelling of that story. Pretty good read for an afternoon.
3 out of 5
This counts for 56 comics towards my 2015 Graphic Novels Challenge!!
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