Sunday, November 29, 2015
Sunday Post
Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere! I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader.
Wow... it sure is cold here in my town. BURRR. We did have a white Thanksgiving so hoping it is also a white Christmas. We put up our tree today. I love a white Christmas tree. The are just so beautiful to me. Though... ours has an ugly topper. I just can't get my husband to get rid of this blinking star thing. He had one growing up and is just in love with the thing. Funny thing is his mom doesn't have one on her tree anymore. Now I just need to get gifts for people. My family can be so hard. We suggested name exchange and one person didn't want to. So finally we got them to agree to one of those games where the gifts are wrapped and no one knows what it is. Each gift is numbered and then you pass them around. Worst part about that is that the gifts have to be for both sexes. I wish we had exchanged names because then I know the person and can make sure the gift matches them. Now I have to get some sort of generic gift. Any ideas out there??? The gifts also have to be able to go on an airplane.
I am catching up on so much TV. I was behind on a lot of shows. So now I am officially caught up on Haven, Sleepy Hollow, SHIELD, Heroes, Supergirl, Walking Dead, and right now while typing this I am getting caught up on Arrow. Next up the Flash. Got really behind there in October finishing up our big deck project before the snow came.
I haven't done a Sunday Post in a long time and look forward to getting them going again. Honestly.. I was a little lazy. Be sure to vote for me I was Nominated for Best Comics Blog! It is an honor to be nominated for that. Happy Winter everyone!
On the blog this week:
Friday, November 27, 2015
Nominated for Best Comics Blog!
Well this is exciting.. I've been nominated for Best Comics Blog. I do review comics on here quite a bit... as some of you may notice. I just really enjoy reading them in between reading a novel. A short quick read before digging back into a long novel. If you love reading about comics on my blog hop on over to Best of the Book Blog Awards and vote for me! My good friend and fellow blogger Brunner's Bookshelf is also nominated so be sure to check out his blog. I would like to thank all of you who may have nominated me! It means a lot.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
It's Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired, & Get Going by Chelsea Clinton
Title: It's Your World Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going
Author: Chelsea Clinton
Pages: 416
Published: September 15th 2015 by Philomel Books
Source: Library
Links: goodreads,
I really like the cover of this book. The confetti pops up off the cover. I also hope that this cover would attract young adults which is who the book is written for. I did see though some people complain about this cover... that it's too much for children and not teens. Even though this book is written for teens I still found a lot of information in it quite informative. What I like about this book is that big complicated subjects are broken down. I think the way Clinton explains things is not condescending and doesn't make me feel uneducated for not knowing more about the subject.
The subjects included so many things that should concern all of us. Homelessness, hunger, education in the US and in the world. I was more interested myself in the things happening in the US. After each chapter Clinton gives an example of a young adult who makes a difference and then website resources for you to go to read up on these situations. This is a long book... so there were some areas I just skimmed. Let's be honest, the kids in this book who had started projects at their schools had to have help from adults-with money. I really don't think just any kid could set up a big lego drive at their school without the help of adults buying said legos.
I don't know if it's a coincidence that this book came out around the time Clinton's mother is running for president. Maybe it was smart so Chelsea could make more money on it??? I think that being a daughter/son of a president would be tough. Once you become an adult you are expected to go out and do good in the world not just be some Average Joe. Now she is a wife and a mommy. I am sure a lot of this information could be found on the internet but having it all in one place was great. A good book for teens. I wish I would've went to the book signing.
4 out of 5
Author: Chelsea Clinton
Pages: 416
Published: September 15th 2015 by Philomel Books
Source: Library
Links: goodreads,
In a book that tackles the biggest challenges facing us today, Chelsea Clinton combines facts, charts, photographs and stories to give readers a deep understanding of the world around them—and how anyone can make a difference. With stories about children and teens who have made real changes big and small—in their families, their communities, in our country and across the world—this book will inspire readers of all ages to do their part to make our world a better place. In addition to informing and inspiring readers about topics including Poverty, Homelessness, Food Insecurity, Access to Education, Gender Equality, Epidemics, Non-Communicable Diseases, Climate Change, and Endangered Species, this book encourages everyone to get going! With suggestions and ideas for action, Chelsea Clinton shows readers that the world belongs to every single one of us, and every one of us counts. You can make a difference. You can make a change. It’s your world. Praise for It's Your World: "Clinton clearly paid attention to her parents' discussions at the dinner table, and she capably shares the lessons they imparted about the future impact of what we do in the present."--Publishers Weekly "[A] terrific resource for junior activists."--BooklistThis book was never on my radar. In fact, I had never even heard of it. There aren't very many reviews on goodreads about this book either. I saw that Chelsea Clinton was going to be doing a book signing at a local bookstore. I then saw the title of the book and the cover. I'm not someone who is big on politics so I could care less of Chelsea is the daughter of Bill Clinton or not. I know some people might avoid reading this book because of that fact. I am about the same age as her and remember her being the child in the white house so that does make me interested in her. Also... I love to learn new things about the world and things I can do to make the world a better place.
I really like the cover of this book. The confetti pops up off the cover. I also hope that this cover would attract young adults which is who the book is written for. I did see though some people complain about this cover... that it's too much for children and not teens. Even though this book is written for teens I still found a lot of information in it quite informative. What I like about this book is that big complicated subjects are broken down. I think the way Clinton explains things is not condescending and doesn't make me feel uneducated for not knowing more about the subject.
The subjects included so many things that should concern all of us. Homelessness, hunger, education in the US and in the world. I was more interested myself in the things happening in the US. After each chapter Clinton gives an example of a young adult who makes a difference and then website resources for you to go to read up on these situations. This is a long book... so there were some areas I just skimmed. Let's be honest, the kids in this book who had started projects at their schools had to have help from adults-with money. I really don't think just any kid could set up a big lego drive at their school without the help of adults buying said legos.
I don't know if it's a coincidence that this book came out around the time Clinton's mother is running for president. Maybe it was smart so Chelsea could make more money on it??? I think that being a daughter/son of a president would be tough. Once you become an adult you are expected to go out and do good in the world not just be some Average Joe. Now she is a wife and a mommy. I am sure a lot of this information could be found on the internet but having it all in one place was great. A good book for teens. I wish I would've went to the book signing.
4 out of 5
Monday, November 16, 2015
Comic Adventures Issue #32
I read a lot of comics and rarely review them here on the blog. That's because I really don't have a lot to say for an entire post. So I thought I would review several comics on one post. I will still review graphic novels on their own now and then, but this is where I will talk about super-hero type comics (DC/Marvel) or sequels to some that I have already reviewed.
This issue I talk about Fables Vol. 21 Happily Ever After, Fables Vol 22 Farewell, Ares, Bringer of War, and Superman Doomed.
I love this series so much. So to see it start to come to an end is sad. A lot of character's stories are getting wrapped up in this volume... some not in ways I would expect but I am glad to get some closure. There are a lot of dead Fables in this comic though. I read a review that mentioned the fact that the most popular Fables always bounce back because of their popularity with the Mundys (us). So then how are they all dying???? Great point. This volume gives us a lot of details on Snow White and Rose Red and how their stories began. Also... let's be honest what is with this big battle of Rose Red and Snow White.... the answer was kind of a let me down. Plus.. how they are handling Bigby??? NO. That is not the Bigby I know. Only one more volume and yes I am looking forward to see how this whole series ends.
3 out of 5
The final Fables comic. It's been quite a journey. I didn't really love this ending. The ending of the whole Rose Red and Snow White battle was very anticlimactic. A lot of deaths for nothing. This was a lot of comics.. some were good some were bad. Most of the Fables have gone their own ways so instead of a big epic story with all of them this volume was a bunch of short stories about a lot of the characters we have met over time. To be honest some of the characters that got their ending in this novel I had forgotten what happened to them to begin with. Overall this was an excellent series and it was time for it to come to an end. After the defeat of Mr. Dark I think the comic lost it's direction... so it really needed to come to an end. The art in these comics are what always drew me in. Look at this cover for example. The whole cover shows like every single character that was ever in the comic... it even has a key in the back to help you figure out who it who. Genius if you ask me.
3 out of 5
I have really enjoyed this mythology series by O'Connor. It is basically for kids but still can be enjoyed by adults. It's very educational and at the same time quite entertaining. This particular volume isn't just about Ares.. it has a lot of the gods in it. Most of the story is based on the Iliad. An author’s note provides context. Artist’s notes offer additional detail and explain artistic choices. A bibliography and reading recommendations are included. Full-page spreads are devoted to descriptions of, and facts about, Ares, Eris and Achilles. Discussion questions are provided. It really just is great for those of you who are interested in greek mythology. Especially for middle school who might be interested (there is lots of violence in it though so beware). I can't wait for the next book in the series Apollo!! Though it isn't released till 2016.
4 out of 5
I had to read this large volume. Superman VS Doomsday is such a big story in the DC universe so I was curious about the New 52 take on it. Unfortunately I read Superman/Wonder Woman vol 2 first which was so confusing. It is like a chunk of Doomed just mixed into a book that made no sense. This book should be read and Superman/Wonder Woman skipped. I guess the good thing was I was able to skip the parts I had already read. In Doomed Superman and Doomsday face off and Doomsday is some sort of virus that gets into Superman. Superman then changes into Doomsday. This book is a collection of crossovers so you kind of have to be ready for some parts that seem off but I was able to follow the story. This is 500+ pages. That's right.. it's huge. I haven't read the original Death of Superman but I have seen the DC animated movie and liked it. I would say this is a big retelling of that story. Pretty good read for an afternoon.
3 out of 5
This counts for 56 comics towards my 2015 Graphic Novels Challenge!!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by April Tucholke
Title: Slasher Girls & Monster Boys
Author: April Genevieve Tucholke
Pages: 400
Published: August 18th 2015 by Dial Books
Source: library
Links: goodreads,
I think what I enjoy most about short stories is the fact that I can get a taste of new authors and decide this way whether or not I want to read more of their books. In fact, this is how I discovered Jim Butcher who now is a favorite author in our house. I think this book would be a cool way to introduce young adults to the horror genre. I think if they have never tried it before short stories are the way to go. These stories actually stuck with me when I was finished. There is a super super creepy Alice and Wonderland based story that just blew me away! I debated reviewing each story here in the review but figured most people probably haven't read it so I might not be interesting to read about. I noticed people did review each story on goodreads but only put.. yeah this one was great. So that doesn't give much information about each story. I'll just let you know that pretty much each story was perfect. This is a good read anytime of the year!
5 stars!
Author: April Genevieve Tucholke
Pages: 400
Published: August 18th 2015 by Dial Books
Source: library
Links: goodreads,
A host of the smartest young adult authors come together in this collection of scary stories and psychological thrillers curated by Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea’s April Genevieve Tucholke. Each story draws from a classic tale or two—sometimes of the horror genre, sometimes not—to inspire something new and fresh and terrifying. There are no superficial scares here; these are stories that will make you think even as they keep you on the edge of your seat. From bloody horror to supernatural creatures to unsettling, all-too-possible realism, this collection has something for any reader looking for a thrill. Fans of TV’s The Walking Dead, True Blood, and American Horror Story will tear through tales by these talented authors: Stefan Bachmann Leigh Bardugo Kendare Blake A. G. Howard Jay Kristoff Marie Lu Jonathan Maberry Danielle Paige Carrie Ryan Megan Shepherd Nova Ren Suma McCormick Templeman April Genevieve Tucholke Cat WintersI don't know what it is that made me pick up this book?? The cool book cover? The fact that it is short stories and I love them so much? It was around Halloween and I was in the mood for a scary read? What ever it was I am so glad that I did it... it was a good anthology. I thought all the stories in it were really strong. It was a little more mature ... so if you are uncomfortable with sex, or adult themes skip it. Well.. it is a horror book so if you are easily scared you should skip this book too. One of the unique things about this particular anthology is that while you read a long you can make a guess as to what book/movie/song the story was influenced by. There are stories influenced by Frankenstien, the Crow, Psycho, and many others. I was able to guess a few and I thought that was super fun. I do think though that that particular feature in the book should've been mentioned in the beginning in some sort of an introduction or something. I got to the end of the first story and saw some fine print upside down on the last page flipped it over and read it. A little confused at the time.
I think what I enjoy most about short stories is the fact that I can get a taste of new authors and decide this way whether or not I want to read more of their books. In fact, this is how I discovered Jim Butcher who now is a favorite author in our house. I think this book would be a cool way to introduce young adults to the horror genre. I think if they have never tried it before short stories are the way to go. These stories actually stuck with me when I was finished. There is a super super creepy Alice and Wonderland based story that just blew me away! I debated reviewing each story here in the review but figured most people probably haven't read it so I might not be interesting to read about. I noticed people did review each story on goodreads but only put.. yeah this one was great. So that doesn't give much information about each story. I'll just let you know that pretty much each story was perfect. This is a good read anytime of the year!
5 stars!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Halo 5 Guardians - Video Game Review
I have been anticipating the launch of this game for years. I have loved the Halo games since day 1. What I really like about Halo is it is more then just a video game. It has a huge lore behind it. Books, art, cosplay, graphic novels, you name it. The 5th game really gets into the story that is also in the books. The strategy behind the campaign for the game was clever too. Locke against Chief. Was the Master Chief bad? It worked so well that this game was the highest grossing Halo game so far. There was a podcast called Hunt the Truth which helped make the game more interesting ... even a Tumblr page. I would suggest listing to the podcast before starting the game.
Honestly reviewing this game is hard for me since I love Halo so maybe I am biased. So in this game you switch between two characters, Spartan Jameson Locke and Master Chief though most of the game you play as Locke. The Blue Team (Chief's team) are all characters from the books... so for those who haven't read the books you probably won't be as excited to see them together as the readers are. The campaign is a blast, though I was disappointed right away that 343 took away co-op mode. Usually my husband and I play this game together and this time we had to pass the controller back and forth. Though you can play the campaign mode online with friends.
The disk itself works great. It that an odd thing for a reviewer to say? You're damn right it is. That's because I had such big issues with the previous game 'The Master Chief Collection'. I never reviewed that game because it's crap. I could never get an online multiplayer game working and I couldn't even get the campaign to work. I assumed it would all be solved so I never took that game back to the store. Eventually I uninstalled and reinstalled the game but honestly I never bothered to get on and see if it would run (this was a few weeks before the release of Halo 5). I was nervous about even getting to be able to try out the multiplayer mode on Halo 5 but the good news is that as soon as I tried multiplayer I got right into a match.
This game is part of a trilogy. I saw a lot of people complaining about that saying it's a money maker. I am the cheapest person in the world and for once I disagree. This game to me was just as long as any of the Halo games if not a little longer then some (I'm looking at you ODST). Because of this fact I didn't have a problem with it being about 8 -10 hours. If the previous games were like 20-30 hour games then I would be like "what the hell!".
One thing I love about this game too is all the Halo female leads. I mean.. YES! That gets me pretty excited.. even if we have Cortona in the game as a villain. Makes that game even more exciting. I look forward to Halo 6.
10 out of 10
Monday, November 2, 2015
Comic Adventures Issue #31
I read a lot of comics and rarely review them here on the blog. That's because I really don't have a lot to say for an entire post. So I thought I would review several comics on one post. I will still review graphic novels on their own now and then, but this is where I will talk about super-hero type comics (DC/Marvel) or sequels to some that I have already reviewed.
This issue I talk about Lumberjanes Vol 1, Supergirl Vol 5, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol 2, and Rat Queens vol. 2.
I kept reading about Lumberjanes on the blogs so I felt like I really needed to check this out. I did think this was cute. Fun for a young audience... seriously a great gift for a young girl trying to get into comics.The comic is about a group of girls who are off at camp. As you read a long in the comic each issue is a new badge (like Girl Scouts) that the campers in the comic earn. Of course these girls earn the badge in a funny way. The main characters are all girls and from different backgrounds. The comic did make me think about the time when I was in Girl Scouts. I need to go and find my sash (you know my mom saved it) and see what badges I earned. Anyways.. I think the stories were really fun and adventurous. There were times when I didn't love the illustrations (there is a different illustrator for the cover and the panels on the inside). I liked how different this was from a lot of the comics I've been reading lately. 5 out of 5
There was a time when I was going to quit reading the Supergirl comics. I just didn't like them. She was running around all the time crying about how much she hated being on Earth and that no one like her and blah blah. I am glad I continued. I do read the Red Lantern comics so this one kind of ties into those. If I hadn't been reading those this would not get a high score because I would've been so confused. I will say though if I didn't read the Red Lanterns I would be annoyed that this one ties into it. CROSS-OVERS!! Ugh! Well... the red ring chooses her because of the things I listed above. As far as I know this is a canceled series. So I think there is only one or two more volumes. The new TV show is about to start on NBC and frankly I am nervous about it. That girl does NOT look like Supergirl to me. Maybe it will be good... like Smallville. But we'll see. Glad to see Supergirl comics getting better even though it's close to the end of it's run.
4 out of 5
Hummm... so here is another cross-over which I didn't figure out until I read a review on goodreads. Turns out this is basically Superman Doomed which is a whole different series. Reading it I did think I was missing some things. Like Lois being infected by Braniac and Lana Lang in space with some sort of metal guy Steel. The very end has a Future's End story which I also thought was confusing!! Not realizing again that it was from a whole different series. Cyborg Superman is in this... the real Superman starts turning into Doomsday.... all kinds of stuff. Then I recently heard that in the next wave of DC comics there is going to be a new Lois and Superman series so I am assuming that Superman and Wonder Woman are going to break up so this is a short lived series right here. Is there even a volume 3???? This is also a thick comic.. so if you are going to spend the time reading it... I guess you should just read Doomed instead. 1 out of 5
There is one cute picture that comes out of this!
I really loved the first Rat Queens comics. Just really fun .. especially for female readers and those who play role-playing games. The comic's style kind of pokes fun at those games in a nice way. There is a lot of backstory in the comic of the characters which is great. Makes you care about them, right? Mr. Hot Stuff Saywer needs rescuing... love love. There is plenty of nudity in this comic so certainly not for those who don't like that. The girl characters are so fun. For example, there is one named Violet who is a dwarf who does NOT like to have her beard. So she shaves it.. until she goes home to visit family and what not and then has to grow it back. Kind of heartwarming. The art of this series changed during the making of this volume due to the arrest of the old illustrator for domestic abuse. Kind of a bummer because I liked the art in the first volume a lot.
5 out of 5
This counts for 52 comics towards my 2015 Graphic Novels Challenge!!
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