Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Merging Two pics into one JPEG.. HELP me computer geeks!

Hello fellow bloggers. I have been trying to figure out how to get two pictures into one jpeg.  I see it all the time especially on tumblr but just can't seem to do it.  I have a MacBook Pro and I don't have Photoshop (too expensive).  Does anyone have any advice?  I really want to use it so when I post two book covers they line up correctly here on blogger.  Thanks for any help you can give me!


  1. I use photoshop; but I know of others that use PAINT to line up the covers and have them in 1 picture :)

  2. I also use photoshop to line up images. I guess you could use paint. If you need to help I could do what you need. :)

    - Beckie

  3. Gimp all the way! After no longer having money for Pohotshop, my hubby turned me onto Gimp. I will NEVER go back!! Here is the link to download it: http://www.gimp.org/. Even better, it's completely FREE!

    sinn @ sinnful books

  4. I usually just upload the images one at a time, select None under Choose Layout when you insert them in your post and the in HTML section remove the spaces between the two codes for the images and change the height="" and width="" settings for both of them so that they are the same size.

    I hope this helps :/ Good luck!

  5. Thanks everyone!! I am hoping this makes the pictures on my blog a little easier on the eyes! :)

  6. You can do it in Paint. There is an option called "Paste from" where you insert another pic in your file. Though, i don't know how paint works at Mac.

    I use photoshop :)

  7. I use just old fashioned paint. I size the photo to where I want them and past one photo with the other.

  8. I never knew about paint before! Thanks!
