Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sarah J Maas will be taking YOUR questions!

Hello all!  It's that time again... where an author takes YOUR questions.  This month we have Sarah J Maas who is the author of my Young Adult Book Club's November pick, Throne of Glass !!  Please join us in welcoming here and asking her anything you want!!  I am so excited she has decided to stop on by and participate!!  She will be coming by on November 14th!!

Q&A with Sarah J Maas



  1. I met Sarah J. Mas at the DBF, she was very kind and funny!
    Trying to think of a good question.

    I heard that you based Throne of Glass on if Cinderella was sent to assassinate prince charming. How did you come up with such an awesome idea?

  2. Wow thanks! I will put this question on there.
