Thursday, September 5, 2013

Harry Potter Moment of the Week- What would I teach?

I am participating in Harry Potter moment of the week hosted by  Uncorked Thoughts .  Here is what we do:

This is a meme hosted Uncorked Thoughts.  The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! I will be picking a topic within HP for us to focus on each week and then if anyone wants to take part feel free!  There is now a full list of the topics to come here.

Q. If you were a professor at Hogwarts, what would you teach?

A.  I am most intrigued by Potions.  I love the idea of mixing things and being able to make something from it.  I love to make potions in RPG games.. I'll spend hours doing it.  I loved Chemistry in high school... though college I had a harder time with it (I think I had a bad professor).

Unfortunately this made me change my major away from Chemistry.  I still like to this I would be good at teaching it.  Plus I love all the ingredients they use.  Felix Felicis anyone???????


  1. What a hard question. I think I'd enjoy teaching History of Magic. Make it fun for the kids.

  2. Ahhh good choice! It really would be so much fun to be able to mix all of these different things together. I was always rubbish at science though so had to pass on this one! Xx

    1. I think for me it depends on the teacher. Even with math.. I can do terrible with one teacher and amazing with another.

  3. Awesome pick! I loved Chemistry as well and wish I'd pay more attention, maybe study it later too. It would be totally cool and way more useful. :D

    1. OH yea.. it would be sooo useful. I would use it on people all the time probably.

  4. I'd be potions professor too I think. I love baking that's kind of similar right? They're both sort of recipes lol. This is a cool meme.
