Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Post

Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere!    I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader.

Happy Sunday! For those of you that read last week's Sunday Post and were wondering.. the bookcases are finished being put together.  Four trips to IKEA.  I really love them and they just look fancy.  The old bookcases are nice still and I am hoping to sell them but am going to wait to put them up for sale when the weather gets a little nicer out.  I think people are more likely to buy furniture then.  If you can believe those bookcases in the first picture are over 30 years old.  They were my mom's and she gave them to me. Walmart even still sells the exact ones!  Blows my mind.  Guess they are still in style.


My husband said this to me this week, "So I know this is late in the game, but do you want me to proof read your blog posts?  You have a lot of grammar mistakes."  WHAT! Yikes I didn't notice.  Well obviously I didn't notice.  I usually just write up a post on a whim like right now and boom, hit publish.  ** I am awkwardly thinking of all my posts and wondering what in the world I said on them!!!  Decides it's too much work to go back and look.****

So my team the Denver Broncos lost in football today so I don't even really care who goes to the Super Bowl now.  Such a bummer. Now that I think about it... it's totally a bummer that football is over.  Sigh... now my Sundays will be boring until Game of Thrones starts back up.  Can't wait for that. I failed so hard core at Bout of Books this time.  I was just either not in the mood, or didn't have time, or .. well I failed.  That's the point.  Maybe next time I'll get more books read!

On the Blog:
-Brisingr by Christopher Paolini- Review Finish the third book in the series!! WOOT!
-2014 End of Year Book Survey - I always have fun filling this out and then visiting what others have to say about their year. 
-Comic Adventures Issue #19 - I finally got some comics read for the new year... on to a great start for the challenge I am participating in.
-2015 Book Challenges  These are the challenges I hope to complete this year
-Project Disney- Melody Time holy smokes people!!  A new Project Disney... my favorite!

Around the Blogospere:
 - Kickstarter author drama!!!  Yikes! There is always drama somewhere.  Not sure how I feel about this.  Should the money have gone just to the book?  Or to the authors living expenses?
-Mini Bloggiesta is here!!  Do you have thing on your blog to work on???  Get it done with this event.
-I am always hearing people chatter about the "read more" button.  Do you like it?  Dislike it???  I can't ever decide if I should put it on my posts or not. 
-Revamping your blog this year.  I love the new year.  I love the idea of fresh starts! 
-More blogger plagiarism.  Really people why do you blog is you are going to just copy someone??? The fun part about blogging for me is to get my ideas out there to the world.  What "I" think of something. 

We're at that time of year when there really aren't any movies in the theater.  Marvel did release an Ant Man trailer.  It looks OK.. but since it's Marvel I am pretty sure it is going to be good.  But we'll see.

Books, Books Books:

I checked out a bunch of Bobbi Brown make-up books from the library so I should have up a post for that soon. 


  1. Oh your hubby is sweetie..and even if he proof reads you will still find errors. I have long since given up on worry about it and hope peeps can figure it out. I am in love with your new bookshelves..gorgeous!

  2. Haha, that is so sweet of your husband. I'm afraid I spend a lot o time going back and fixing errors... damn those ugly red squiggly lines just get the best of me sometimes!

  3. I always fix those!! lol! Only because the computer points those out to me. I guess my grammar is bad. Who knew??? Well my readers probably knew!! I plan to read my posts before publishing them now.

  4. Yeah... I just hope my readers like my blog for me and that's it's fun and they don't get too bothered by grammar mistakes. I mean... what can a girl do when she is blogging and watching her shows???? :)

  5. That is awesome of your husband! And so lovely that he reads your blog too! I was just thinking about that Read More option - thank you for the link to check out the discussion! I don't really use it because I think it's nice to see the whole post at once if you're on a homepage (unless it's really long) but then again there is a nice aesthetic to evenly spaced post entries on the homepage... I'm thinking maybe I'll just use a read more but I'll manually decide where to place the jump link, so I can control how the preview is represented...

    The whole kickstarter thing makes me sad. There was no reason to vilify her if you didn't agree with what she did. But I don't really see anything wrong with it too.

  6. I mean... for that Kickstarter thing the only think I can think is that you donated and you weren't expecting to sustain someone's lifestyle. I think everyone assumes that you are going to use kickstarter money for the project. But then this makes me think of that potato salad kickstarter that made like $70,000???? I am sure that did not all go to potato salad. In fact, I think that guy donated a lot of the money to charity.

  7. The new shelves look great! It always irritates me when I find an error in a post after I have hit publish! But I always proofread before posting, but there always seems to be one mistake I miss and don't see until after I have hit publish. Oh well!
    Have a great week

  8. That's so true - people overfunded that potato salad kickstarter and they were fine to just continue to throw money at it? If people didn't want to fund the author's lifestyle, all they had to do was not fund it. If other people wanted to fund her, then it was their choice and their money.

    It is nice though if the potato salad guy donated to charity!

  9. I love that your husband reads your blog! The shelves look lovely. The read more button ... hmmm ... well, I think I'd prefer there not to be one, but if there is one, it's just an extra click and doesn't cause me extra stress. What I do like, though, is having the full content in the feeds for when I'm reading from Feedly ...

  10. I've read about half the published Fables columns, but haven't read any of the Jack of Fables yet!

  11. LOL at the hubby. I think probably all of us have those happening in our posts. lol The bookcases look beautiful! Ikea really has some nice ones :)

    I'm all about the read more button. I greatly appreciate it when blogs have those in their design.

  12. That's a nice offer from your husband, but don't worry about your past posts! I'm sure I have some mistakes too; everyone does, even the professionals. :) My sister was upset the Broncos lost last night as well.


  13. Those darn mistakes in a blog post. I didn't even realize I had that many till my husband said that. I was like.. why didn't you just tell me after you read the post??? Oh well. I'll just keep trying to proof read a little bit more... though having an editor will be nice, if he really does it! LOL!

  14. I like that he reads it too... I've tried to get him to write some posts and contribute to the blog but alas he won't! I am going to just not use the read more button. I think people get more mad about the read more button being present then not present. It's so hard because everyone seems to like something different and get mad if you don't do it the way they like it.

  15. Jack of Fables... yuck. I am going to recommend passing on that series. It really isn't even half as good as Fables. I don't know why either. The writing is just terrible. I thought it was going to build on our Fable characters and honestly it goes all scifi and doesn't even include fable/story characters by the end of the series.

  16. I love how the bookcases turned out. I almost want to put a small TV in that room so I can sit in there read, watch TV and look at the bookcases. See! If you read the comments above you'll see I was leaning to not use it and now you say you like it!! Gaw I don't know what to do.

  17. I think I write my posts way too fast. Thoughts just fly out and the keyboard gets to going. My thoughts are going fast then my post. Then I am excited and just want to hit publish. So I don't re-read the posts. I am going to make an effort to start doing that though.

  18. Ah your bookshelves look so neat and organized! I got at that point were my bookshelves are so full I am soemtiems putting books in frotn of theothers, I really need a new bookcase as well.

    Every time my boyfriend reads one of my posts he points out multiple spelling mistakes, it's a bit embarrassing when I think of how many spelling mistakes ther emust be in my posts, but even thoguh i re-read them multiple times, I just can't catch them all. Good thing is that i don't catch them in other their posts either, so spelling mistakes in people their posts don't bother me.

  19. I love the book shelves! For the record I hate the read more button.

  20. LOL, well it always makes me feel better when I see mistakes in other peoples blogs cause I know I am horrible at grammar! :) How sweet of him to offer proof your I love those bookcases!!!

  21. That was nice of your hubbie to offer. I miss that spell check from wordpress. LOL
    Your new bookshelves are wonderful. I love the deep color. It really showcases the books.

    My Sunday Post -

  22. I love the new bookcases and I need to take a trip to Ikea soon. I need to make more space first (which I keep putting off).

    That is funny what your husband said. I subscribe to my own blog by email so I see mistakes after the post has been published. Sometimes I fix and sometimes I forget. No matter how many times I proof something there is always something I miss. Oh well lol.

    That is a great trailer but I was thinking the name "Ant Man" was bad, so it was funny to see the end of the trailer. It looks ok so far and I am sure I'll watch it with my husband.

  23. New bookshelves look amazing! I wish those were in my house!


  24. I think the Ant Man trailer looks okay, not super excited but I'll probably g osee it. :) And good links this week- the Kickstarter one was interesting. I think it was OK what she did- after all if folks want the book they can contribute. If not that's fine too. I just hate to see it get nasty.

  25. I just hope the other bookcases sell and someone will drive to pick them up!! It's going to be a hassle to move them if we need to donate them. If I do have to donate them I am hoping maybe a friend will get them so I know they go to a good home! It's hard to let them go to be honest.

  26. Yeah it is sweet of him to offer to do that, though I haven't taken him up on the offer. LOL... I usually post my posts when he is off in bed and then I don't want to wait for him to read them.

  27. I swear there is so much to keep up with when you blog. Spelling mistakes, formatting mistakes, linking back to older posts and so on. Ant Man isn't a comic I ever read. I thought the concept was dull and boring. But since it's Marvel I'll sure be there on opening night. I just hope it isn't Marvel's first flop.

  28. Thank you!! It's been a long time coming to get new bookcases. They were in my mom's house while I was growing up and then in my house for almost 12 years so I had been looking at them for a long long time.

  29. I am not super excited about the Ant Man either.. I mean... a tiny super hero??? Guess he wrestles with ants? I am not even interested in picking up the comic to read before the movie comes out like I usually am. There were some interesting stories out there in the book world this week I thought!

  30. There is a spell check on here... I think he is talking about how I use my grammar. Like I write out a sentence incorrectly. Which I bet I do because I write on the blog like I am talking to someone. When I was in college that was one of the big things we learned when write a paper was not to write like you were talking to someone. But I like to give my blog my voice rather then make it sound like a research paper.

  31. Meg-A Bookish AffairJanuary 13, 2015 at 5:22 AM

    Ooo, I love that your new bookshelves have lights over them. I wish my bookshelves did. Sometimes it's really hard to see what I'm looking for!!!

  32. LOL you can always do a combo of it. Have it on the blog but not go through emails that way, etc. Or try it out and see how it goes. And if you don't like it go back to the old way. That's one of my favorite things about blogging. You can give things a test and undo them fairly easily :D

    Why I like them on blog pages is when I'm not going for a specific post but just to see what XYZ blog is doing if they have the feature up I can look through a handful really quickly and click and check it out. If they have the full posts listed I just get tired of scrolling to the next post. Some blog posts are seriously long especially if they're opinion pieces or blog tours and after a couple I just give up and move on.

    In emails I switched my blog over so they only show a portion when sent out in emails. I got a lot more traffic and increased commenting from it I think since people weren't just reading the whole post in their inbox since why jump to the blog then. Ya know?

  33. I was an English teacher, and I still occasionally find errors in my published posts. It's almost impossible to catch them all on your own; a second pair of eyes can certainly help, because the other person is coming to it with a fresh perspective. Your eyes see what they expect to see - what you think you typed! I wouldn't worry about it too much. People don't expect blog posts to be as perfect as a printed book (and I find plenty of errors in those anyway!)

    I love the new bookshelves! They are gorgeous. Billy, right? I have 2 dark-colored ones in my living room for the HC sci-fi/fantasy books, and a bunch of honey-colored ones in my study/office for lots of other books. I was so excited when we redid my office about 10 years ago, and now I really need to declutter it and make it beautiful again.

    Sorry about your Broncos, but at least they got farther than the Redskins did. I've practically given up on football, my team has been so bad...

  34. Again, the shelves look GREAT! And boo to your husband. I hate when I show my husband a blog post and he corrects the whole thing (mostly editorial stuff as he doesn't know his grammar). I'm terrible at writing quickly and not proofreading. Honestly, if you didn't notice the typos, others probably don't either. :)

  35. Love the new bookshelves they look fantastic!
    Have a great week.

  36. I'm trying to figure out why I didn't know that they were using the Scott Lang Ant-Man, and not Hank Pym.

  37. That is some lovely lovely Bookshelf porn:0)! Football doesn't do anything for me but I feel kind of sad about that during January as everybody is so excited. I feel very unAmerican, lol!

  38. Oh, I LOVE those new bookshelves! I really want cool looking ones like those one day. They just look so nice. :)

  39. I have been so busy I haven't been stopping by :( I love the new bookshelves though they look great!

  40. LOL My husband my husband says the same to me...he proof reads all my posts..well that he has time to read! Love the bookshelves!
