Thursday, June 27, 2013

Follow Me Friday

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow 

This is the day of the week where we get to know each other better by answering a question devised by our lovely hostesses Parajunkee & Alisoncanread. Sounds like GFC is eventually going away..  so you may want to follow by email or bloglovin/feedly (I love both). And now for this week's question....

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Q. What is your preferred reading format? Hardback, ebooks, paperbacks, etc?

A.  I would say my favorite is a hardback book in my hands.  Don't get me wrong though.  I love my ereader.  I have a Nook Color and really love it.  If the library had more titles in ebook format that is probably all I would read.  I don't read very many paperbacks. This is because I get most of my books from the library and they usually only have hardbacks for checkout.  I recently listened to my first audio book.  I listened to Under the Dome by Stephen King, 34 hours!!  I did enjoy it.  I thought at first there was going to be no way I could concentrate but eventually I got used to it and loved it. 

What about you?