I read a lot of comics and rarely review them here on the blog. That's because I really don't have a lot to say for an entire post. So I thought I would review several comics on one post. I will still review graphic novels on their own now and then, but this is where I will talk about super-hero type comics (DC/Marvel) or sequels to some that I have already reviewed.
This issue we chat about Justice League Volume 4 The Grid, Guardians of the Galaxy II Vol 1 Legacy, Batman Incorporated Vol 1 Demon Star, and Jack of Fables vol. 6 the Big Book War.
I have really enjoyed the Justice League series so far from the New 52. Since this is a volume 4 we are expected to be caught up with not only this series but a few others. I didn't find this one confusing though with the merging of other comic series. I did put Justice League Dark on hold and Justice League of America on hold after reading this one. I would like to learn more about those teams. I can't decide if I like Superman and Wonder Woman together. Well I love them both but I have kinda always liked the Batman/Wonder Woman love story. This comic has a lot of villains in it and we get to see a bunch of different heroes villains in one comic. We get to see the Justice League start to recruit more members like in the TV show. There is amazing art work in this one too. We get two full page spreads and for this I am glad I had a physical copy from the library instead of a digital comic. I give this one 5 out of 5!
I am only reading Batman Incorporated because this is where (spoiler for Batman comics) Damien dies. I found out about Damien's death through other comics and thought I would jump into this one to lean about how that happened. But... this just doesn't do it for me. Perhaps I've read too much Batman. There are a lot of Batman comics going on right now. I think I am tired of them. I don't know. This was a confusing comic to me. Lots of characters just thrown into the comic that I hadn't heard of before. Some were only present for like 2 pages. The art isn't really my style either so that didn't engage me in the comic. I am going to pass on the rest of this series... and since I know pretty much what I need to know from these comics. 2 out of 5
I have been trying to figure out the order of Guardians of the Galaxy.. and this is the issue published in 2008. So I decided to read it to see if it is the beginning of the series. I don't think it is.. but it was still a good and fun issue. I could tell something happened before this.... but I wasn't confused. This issue talks about how the team ends up becoming a team. We get to see Thanos come in and become the villain. Interesting that he is the main villain in the next Avengers. Will the universes cross??? Probably. I really enjoy reading Guardians. I love the dynamic between the team members. I really do love this comic and have but the newer ones on hold too. So I'll be read the new Guardians at the same time as the old comics. 4 out of 5
Next up we have Jack of Fables vol 6, which is the issue right before the big crossover issue with the original Fables series. This is the first Jack of Fables I really enjoyed. I am just glad that this big battle we have been building up to forever is finally over and Jack can go onto a new story line. Of course there are only 3 more issues left in this series. We get a big reveal about Jack in this book... and it's funny. This is the first issue to me where Jack is funny and not just obnoxious. Mr Revise and his fables face off against Bookburner and his fables. The ox Babe is awful in this book just as in the rest. I can't stand that Babe gets several pages to ramble on about nothing. He is supposed to be the comedy and I just don't get it. 3 out of 5
Well that's it for comics this time around... can't wait to read what comics come into the library next!!
I am now up to 58 books towards my Graphic Novel Reading Challenge!

Love the new blog look! Well done, well done.
ReplyDeleteYeah!! Finally it is done!!! It's going to take a little time to get the sidebar situated and what not.. but alas.. it is complete!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the panels oooo be still my heart. I'm aching to see Guardians of the galaxy. You know - my local library is having graphic novels and comics as their reading challenge this month!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you liked Justice League vol 4. As you know I wasn't a fan. I also really like the new look of your blog. It suits you.
ReplyDeleteOh how fun that they are doing that type of reading challenge. I love comics/graphic novels and I think if more people gave them a chance they would really enjoy them too!
ReplyDeleteI think the new look suits me too. I really love the colors and the header!
ReplyDeleteI need to read more Batman...but I haven't read that much yet. LOL I need to check out the batman comics you told me about awhile ago, since I wasn't sure on the order. I don't think my libraries have them though, so I'll have to purchase.
Aidan I have been watching a lot of the Batman direct to DVD movies..I just watched the one with Damien in it 'Son of Batman'..I haven't read this comic but I think I will now because I am curious what happened to that character!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read those 2008 Guardians, but I was curious about them. I pikced up the newer version which I guess came out this year, not sure- it looks pretty good. I'm going to try and catch up before the movie comes out... :)
ReplyDeleteI am a little bit done with Batman. I have read a TON of new 52 Batman comics so I am trying to weed them out and move onto other ones. I don't know... Batman just has so many different comics out there it can be overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteThat Son of Batman movie isn't half as good as the comics. I did watch that one too.. it was a little.. off. The pacing. Have you watched Justice League War? That's a really good one.
ReplyDeleteThere are only two volumes out for the newer Guardian comics. I think the second one is Angela. I like them.. they are like a whole team of Iron Man personalities. Unlike the Avengers which has a mix of personalities. I think Guardians are more of mercenaries.