Monday, May 2, 2011

Author Appearance

Hoping to get into the event in Denver when Charlaine Harris is having a book signing.  My aunt is picking up the book for me tomorrow since I don't live in Denver and then I am supposed to show up on the 11th of May to get it signed.  Wish me luck people that I get a numbered ticket!


  1. That's pretty cool! Charlaine came to my city a few years back, before True Blood and it was a good signing. Not overly crowed, but again this was when she was promoting True Blood! Come last year at RT her line was crazy long! Hope you have fun! I might try seeing her when she comes to Boucheron this year in my city.

  2. I have my fingers crossed for you to get a numbered ticket!! Good luck and enjoy!

  3. *luck!* Until now, I'd actually never seen a picture of Charlaine Harris. I guess I always pictured her looking like Sookie... haha.
