Sunday, April 14, 2013

Classics Retold Project!

Coming September 2013
Classics Retold  is a project hosted by Alyssa @ Books Take You Places, Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy, Wendy @ Excellent Library, The Cheap Reader, and Brittany @ Book Addict’s Guide.
Project: Fairy Tale was a huge hit with everyone so I decided to expand and tweak it a bit. For this project we are reading a classic book and then reading or watching retellings, spin-offs, or adaptations of it!
The details:
  • September 2013 will be our month to post everything.
  • How You Participate:
    1. You will choose a classic you’d like to read.
    2. You read your classic and read or watch as many retellings, spin-offs, sequels or adaptations of the classic as you can.
    3. You will post reviews or your thoughts on your blog for each one during September.
    4. 1-4 bloggers can work on a “main” text. You can work independently or work together. You’re allowed to all read/watch the same things or split the work up.
    5. To participate in this project, you only sign up for one classic (and its adaptions).
    6. Optional: If you’d like to work on another classic (or adaptation), find the bloggers “in charge” of that text and ask to do a guest review/post.
    7. Optional: Do other posts about your classic: character analysis, where else to find the characters, the book’s influence on culture, memes, etc. It can be literally anything involving your classic.
    8. Optional: Do a sign up post after I clear your classic. It will help spread the word about the project and you’re able to bounce your ideas off of your readers. They may even give you ideas of books/movies to use for your classic!
  • For a classic to be useable for this project, it should have at least 2 adaptations, spin-offs, sequels, or retellings.
Obviously this project is going to get pretty big so we’ve split the co-hosting duties up.

It’s all one big project so you only sign up once for one book (not once on each blog).

I am really excited!  I have signed up for The Wizard of Oz and can't wait to explore it through the month of September.  Be sure to check out each blog and see what books are available!