Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere! I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader and Stacking the Shelves.
Some of you may have noticed that real life took over. So I didn't get much reading done or blogging done. I haven't been able to make it to the library but the good news about that is I am going to be able to read up on some of the books I already own. I have really enjoyed visiting all the blogs I follow though. It is a nice distraction. I am looking for some feel good reads. So I started reading Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt. It's a book I have owned for a long time but kept pushing back for reading since I had other books to read from the library.

On Instagram I sometimes see a hashtag #100happydays and have been curious about what this is. So today I finally sat down and checked it out. Looks kind of neat. For 100 days you take one picture a day of something that made you happy. I think this is a great positive thing to do. Too often do I go through my facebook feed and only see negative or sad stories. It is why sometimes I avoid watching the news in the evening.
Did you guys hear?? October 1st Gilmore Girls will be on Netflix!! YEAH! For those who have never watched you probably should. Rory (the lead character) loves to read books. So much so that there is a group on goodreads that read all the books that she reads in the show.
I love that Fall is here. We actually had to turn on the heat yesterday and today. But it is supposed to be in the 80s again this week. Scarecrows are out in the yard too! In fact, maybe that will be my first picture for #100happydays on instagram! How are you doing this week?
Ohh I need to rewatch the Gilmore Girls! I loved that show!
ReplyDeleteHope everything is going well with the real life stuff you're dealing with! I've cut back to posting 1-2 times a week, because of my new fall schedule. It's actually kind of a relief to be doing this-now I have time to catch up on comments, read other blogs etc :)
ReplyDeletei have been looking at Going Vintage for a while, I am excited to see what you think. I should really do that 100 happy too!
ReplyDeleteMissie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Another early Sunday post. I had a fairly quiet week too it happens! It had warmed up a bit here but the temperature is dropping again with that autumn feel. I love the colours when the leaves turn.
ReplyDeleteYay for fall. I'm enjoying it too and looking forward to all the October stuff. We;ve been getting cool at night and I'm loving it. And Capt. America came out on DVD this week, so I'm good. :)
ReplyDeleteI watched some Gilmore girls episodes years ago, but I need to catch up. I hope everything's ok in your life ? Enjoy, relax and have a great week ;)
ReplyDeleteThe 100 Happy Days is a great idea. I don't watch the news anymore for just that reason and have blocked some on FB for it. It's nice to read some good stuff now and again :)
ReplyDeleteAnd yay for the Gilmore Girls. Total series love <3
Me too!! I am going to have my husband watch it for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI agree.... I was trying to come up with content constantly and though I was really enjoying it I too am going to try to post 1-2 times a week. It will be a lot more fun I think.
ReplyDeleteThat 100 days of Happyness is fun! I am already excited to find something to make me happy everyday!
ReplyDeleteI love the colors when the leaves turn also!! It is always a gamble though when to drive up in the mountains.. I always try to go during peak times but I have been up too early or too late for the leaf colors.
ReplyDeleteI have already purchased and watched Capt. America!! Love the new one. I am so ready for fall.. I usually dread the summer temps leaving only because I don't get to work in the yard anymore. But this year I just want to start bundling up on my chair in my blanket.
ReplyDeleteEverything is looking better here!! So I am relaxing more and getting back into reading. I just can't read when I am stressed out. Not going to happen. I can't concentrate and reading something too scary or exciting sets me on edge.
ReplyDeleteUghh... sometimes it's just negative negative. I have friends on facebook who share a lot of news links and I just don't want to see it. I am really only on facebook to see friend's pictures and posts and yet all I see is news.
ReplyDeleteughhh tell me about it. I remember when you said you weren't going to have a lot of time for your blog. I am bummed about that but I totally understand now more then ever. Blogging is a hobby and just has to be put to the side sometimes.
ReplyDeleteLove Gilmore Girls!! And I've seen 100 Happy Days on facebook. A friend of mine writes something that made her happy everyday. I don't have an instagram, but the photo idea is cool too.
I'm heard so many good things about Gilmore Girls from many of my friends. Perhaps I'll check it out if I ever get done with Supernatural!
ReplyDeleteTerri M.
Second Run Reviews
I haven't had to turn the heat on yet but it is cooling off, which is okay by me. :)
ReplyDeleteReal life happens and sometimes the blog has to take a back seat. I hope you enjoy your feel good read and find some more.
I don't have NetFlix but this is making me want to subscribe. I love The Gilmore Girls, one of my favourite TV series ever.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've had a good week. I love that you're trying to read more books that you own. That's what I've been doing lately too. And yay for Gilmore Girls finally being on Netflix. I own the whole series, but I know so many people who haven't watched the show yet that I would recommend it to. Hope you have a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Oh! Going Vintage! I really enjoyed that book. I'm so excited about Gilmore Girls. I never watched the series, but I'm pretty sure I'd love it. I can't wait to start watching. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
My Sunday Post!
I would love to rewatch the Gilmore Girls! I did skip some of the seasons so it would be fun to start from the beginning. That 100 happy days sounds like fun. I agree about all the negative news and posts on Facebook, so this would be a nice positive message. Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteyay Gilmore Girls.. I used to watch this with my mom and sister, it was always so fun :)
ReplyDeleteI've only seen bits and pieces of Gillmore Girls so that's great that it's coming to Netflix! I can catch up. I know Rory is a book lover because of some Pinterest pins but that's about it. Glad you're getting some reading done of books you already own. I desperately need to do that! Have a fantastic week! Glad to see you again! It does feel like you've been scarce lately.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could experience Fall/Autumn. We don't have that here at all, only rainy and sunny days and that's so boring :P I've yet to watch the Gilmore Girls, so I hope I can watch it on TV sometime. No netflix here unfortunately :(
ReplyDeleteFaye at The Social Potato
Thanks.!! Everything is getting back to normal! yeah! I am ready for it to cool off. I love fall... and I love Spring. I just like the seasons that really change. So pretty.
ReplyDeleteOMG me too!!! I am sooo trying to get my husband to watch. I think he will really like that show.
ReplyDeleteI love all the love Gilmore Girls is getting. I didn't even know they had re-runs on TV. So fun!
ReplyDeleteI really want to get the books I own read. I mean... they just get pushed to the side every time a library book comes in. So this gives me a chance to give those books a go.
ReplyDeleteGoing Vintage is cute so far. I am enjoying it. It makes me realize how dependent I am on social media and all that. I feel a little lost without my phone and I just can't stand that. Whatever happened to people living by each other and being able to meet for lunch?
ReplyDeleteUghhh facebook. So much negative news reporting and then friends who share negative news. I just want to see fun and loving things. But there is just no way to avoid all those posts. Plus facebook puts what it wants onto the newsfeed. So I skim through as fast as I can until I glance at a good picture or a good story.
ReplyDeleteSo fun and sweet. I just can't wait!
ReplyDeleteHAHAH! Well people don't realize it (unless they are bloggers) and blogging takes a lot of thinking and work. I just didn't have time for that. I did have time to visit other blogs though and read what they were posting. That was fun and made me feel like I was still blogging! I didn't come up with any amazing blogging ideas while on my little break but hey.. whatever!
ReplyDeleteNo netflix ??? I thought that was international for some reason. No Fall??? There again.. wow. Though I did live in Alaska for a while and we had Winter/Summer. And Dark/Light. So it would be dark in the winter, no sun. And sunny in the summer, no nighttime. So I totally get how you feel.
ReplyDeleteI'm still in season 4.
ReplyDeleteTerri M. LeBlanc
Second Run Reviews: secondrunreviews.com
Twitter: @2ndRunReviews
I'm completely on the same page with you. What's the point of owning books if you don't read them? I don't want to feel like I'm wasting my money. It's one of the reasons why I try not to have too many more than 100 books in my possession that need to be read at one time because I want to at least feel like it's possible for me to read them all....at some point. If I own thousands and thousands of books then there's a good chance I'll never even get around to half of those.
ReplyDelete100 books!! Wow.. I have like 6 or 7 I need to read LOL!! But that is really because I get all mine from the library. If I had 100 books to read I would never go to the library again!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny to me how everyone has a different number that they freak out about. :) I know bloggers who have over a thousand books. But that would take me like 10 years to read all of those. So everyone's at a different pace. If I only really used the library then there's no way I would have as many because you have a more firm deadline with those.