Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sunday Post

Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere!    I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader and Stacking the Shelves.

Some of you may have noticed that real life took over.  So I didn't get much reading done or blogging done. I haven't been able to make it to the library but the good news about that is I am going to be able to read up on some of the books I already own.  I have really enjoyed visiting all the blogs I follow though.  It is a nice distraction.  I am looking for some feel good reads.  So I started reading Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt. It's a book I have owned for a long time but kept pushing back for reading since I had other books to read from the library.

Going Vintage

On Instagram I sometimes see a hashtag #100happydays and have been curious about what this is.  So today I finally sat down and checked it out.  Looks kind of neat.  For 100 days you take one picture a day of something that made you happy.  I think this is a great positive thing to do.  Too often do I go through my facebook feed and only see negative or sad stories.  It is why sometimes I avoid watching the news in the evening.

Did you guys hear??  October 1st Gilmore Girls will be on Netflix!! YEAH!  For those who have never watched you probably should.  Rory (the lead character) loves to read books.  So much so that there is a group on goodreads that read all the books that she reads in the show. 

I love that Fall is here.  We actually had to turn on the heat yesterday and today.  But it is supposed to be in the 80s again this week.  Scarecrows are out in the yard too!  In fact, maybe that will be my first picture for #100happydays on instagram! How are you doing this week?