Monday, July 22, 2013

Halo 4 - Video Game Review

Halo is one of the best video game franchises of all time. There I said it. I love love this series.  I have been playing it for years.  Halo has one of the best multiplayer platforms.  Halo and Call of Duty are usually compared by gamers.  You are either in the Halo camp or the Call of Duty camp.  I am in the Halo camp obviously.  In Halo 4 Bungie (who is the original developer) has stepped down and 343 has taken over. 343 did a pretty amazing job of revamping the series.  They made an amazing live action series to watch prior to playing the game. Really it's a great series.. even if you don't play the game you should watch.  This is what a Halo movie should be like:

The story in Halo 4 is really good too.  Humanity is under attack by an alien race, Master Chief (the main character in the series) is back to help save us.  Since this is game 4 in the series you can read more about the history of Halo here.  Multiplayer on this game is just as fun as past games. Many people call it Red VS Blue since you are a team of 4 fighting and shooting another team of 4.  One being Red one being Blue.  There is even a hilarious internet show called Red VS Blue.  I am posting episode one here but the difference between episode 1 to the newest episode from today is amazing.  The graphics and technology has changed so much in between now and then.

If you haven't checked out the Conan O'Brian series where he plays video games.. you must. It is hilarious. He plays Halo 4 in the next video (which allows you to see the gameplay too). He is actually a voice in the game which is really funny when he encounters his character. I love how he has no idea what he is doing but has fun.

I have played the Halo series for years. Sometimes every night with my friends in multiplayer mode. It is fun to just be online and chat with them while we run around on missions.

Love it 10 out of 10


  1. I'm not really a gamer, I used to be into computer games way back when, like WarCraft II was a favorite and we'd play multiplayer on that on our family network of computers - fun times! I just can't get into the 3 dimensional games for some reason, maybe if I actually had a console and got a game and played it for awhile it'd become second nature - but it'd be an expensive toy just for an experiment! :D

    I LOVE Conan O'Brien for one and his Clueless Gamer series is HILARIOUS! haha Love them all so far, I hope he never stops doing them :D

    1. I hope he doesn't stop doing them too! I hope they are popular enough to keep going. Yea I wouldn't buy a console just to see if I like it. They are so expensive anymore. It is kind of a sad thing.. I mean how can kids or kid's parents afford consoles?

  2. I love halo myself. Thought 4 was pretty good, but the story telling needed a bit of tightening. I imagine quite a bit of people must have been confused as hell. If I hadn't read some of the novels I would've been lost as well. But for a freshmen entry 343i did great. Here's hoping that 5 comes out swinging. Oh and by the way, stopped by here from jessysbookends recommendation, (she's my lovely beautiful wife).

    1. How nice that she sent you over here!! hahah! I will say there has been nothing like Halo 3 to me. Best multiplayer EVER. I've read the novels too and that did really help. I do hope 5 is good... Xbox almost ruined it with all that Xbox One drama they created. I was going to miss Master Chief since I was going to no longer play the games on Xbox!

  3. I wonder if Aidan will like it..need to ask him if he has played it at all!

    1. If he likes Call of Duty he would probably like this one!
