I read a lot of comics and rarely review them here on the blog. That's because I really don't have a lot to say for an entire post. So I thought I would review several comics on one post. I will still review graphic novels on their own now and then, but this is where I will talk about super-hero type comics (DC/Marvel) or sequels to some that I have already reviewed.
This week's issue we talk about Wonder Woman Volume 4 War, Jack of Fables vol. 5 Turning Pages, Aquaman Volume 4 Death of a King, and Batman and Robin Vol 4 Requiem for Robin.
I love Wonder Woman... she is my favorite. I have enjoyed this series with all the mythological themes. Most of the series has been about Wonder Woman saving a little baby (Zeus's son) from the other Gods of Olympus. This baby will eventually rule. Great fight scenes in this volume and we even see Wonder Woman at her best (though ultimately she still fails). The art work is still good though to be honest it looked a little different to me this time though it's the same artist. The "First Born" who is the new villain was not that great to me though. I liked it when it was the Gods... like Hades. I am curious if there will be a cross-over with the whole Wonder Woman/Superman story line. I am hoping not but DC seems to be doing cross-overs of all their comics lately. 3 out of 5
Yes.. I am still suffering through the Jack of Fables series which is the spinoff from the Fables series by Bill Willingham. After this one I only have 4 more in the series so I am going to suffer through. The beginning of this volume confused me a little. Turns out they included the last issues from vol. 4 in this one. So I skipped some of the story that I had already read. This volume starts pushing the story closer to the big crossover issue that Jack has with Fables vol 13. I just don't get the whole literary characters (rather then Fables). I am not a writer so I think I miss a lot of the meanings behind the characters in this series. 2 out of 5
I received Aquaman Vol 4 Death of a King as an ARC copy from DC and Edelweiss. Thank you! This copy was received for free for an honest review. I love Aquaman's New 52 series. He is way cooler then I ever thought before I started reading about him in comics. This volume is about Arthor (Aquaman) trying to become a good King of Atlantis. He is trying to clean up the mess Atlantis has caused the surface world. The comic has a few plot lines going on at once which I like. One group of Atlantians is trying to free Orin, one group is battling someone who claims to be the true King of the Seven Seas (Atlan), and the the third group is trying to save Mera. Lots going on but it's a good plot line. There are a lot of big battle scenes which were fun to look at. 4 out of 5
Batman and Robin Vol 4 Requiem for Robin is truly an amazing comic. I would suggest reading this after you read the Batman Incorporated series. I missed (Spoiler for a death) when Robin Damien died in Batman Incorporated since I haven't read that series but I just picked up volume 1 to read all that. So this volume is really Batman trying to deal with this. He visits Frankenstein (which is another DC comic I haven't read yet), Red Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl they are all here trying to help Batman. I really loved the ending though when we get to see how much Alfred loved Damien. There is a girl in this comic whom Damien was taking acting lessons from and I am interested in seeing where that plot line goes. I tried to google if there is going to be a Batman and Robin vol. 5 but didn't see anything about it. I received this comic as an ARC copy from Edelweiss and DC comics. I would like to thank them for providing me with this for free for an honest review. 5 out of 5
Well that's it for comics this time around... can't wait to read what comics come into the library next!!
I am now up to 54 books towards my Graphic Novel Reading Challenge!

You really suffered through Jack of Fables ? I have yet to read Fables but I really want to ! I don't know much about comics, so I'd like to study them :) I read plenty of... BD (bandes dessinées, not really graphic novels), yet I don't review them, I'm afraid they're only available in French.
ReplyDeleteI don't read comics much! Do you participate in Free Comic Book Day? I think it is the 1st Saturday of May each year?
ReplyDeleteFables is nothing like Jack of Fables... so don't let my Jack reviews turn you off. Oh the BD sounds interesting to me. I didn't used to review comics but I read so many of them I thought... why not do a bi-weekly post. I can see though only French speakers interested in posts about the BD, so I am not sure you would benefit from posting reviews on them?
ReplyDeleteI don't normally go to free comic book day because I think it is catered more towards kids. I have noticed the comics released on those days just aren't of interest to me. Maybe one day I will go up to the comic book store and check out what they have.
ReplyDeleteI can't agree more on the Batman and Robin. I loved it and I'm so glad I was able to read it too. I wasn't a fan of the Wonder Woman I read so it didn't make me want to continue. The Aquaman was awesome to. I love your comic adventure posts. These are great.
ReplyDeleteBatman and Robin sounds great; I need to read more of those comics! And I don't really know a lot about Aquaman...glad you enjoyed his latest issue!
I am excited about Jason Momoa playing Aquaman. In fact, that is the first casting announcement for Batman VS Superman that I have been excited about. I am really loving using Edelweiss to stay caught up on the comics I am reading. Soon I won't even have to wait for the library to get them anymore!
ReplyDeleteYou should read Aquaman, it is one of my favorite new 52 out there. They have really done a good job revamping his series.
ReplyDeleteGreat reviews! Sad that you are "suffering through" a series -- I hate when that happens, you hope for the best and then ...meh...
ReplyDeleteI love me some Batman tho and glad that was good :)
I think because I read most of the Fables books before reading Jack that I had a little understanding. I like Jack's character - he's definitely not a good guy. I'm sorry you're suffering through them, I remember enjoying them. I really ought to check out some Batman comics, as I love the character, but have never read any of the comics.
ReplyDeleteOOooh! Thanks for sharing. I thought there was more then one a year.
ReplyDeleteI just think Jack is ... well I don't know.. just an odd side story.
ReplyDeleteI think Jack's comics are just too out there. I know he is supposed to be obnoxious but it is just to the point for me it's not funny. I want to read these comics though because I like the world it takes place in. I don't like (spoiler!!!) the whole sleeping with all the sisters thing. That's kind of overboard again for me. There is just too much I don't like.. but there is enough there that I like enough to continue on. Plus ... I am almost done with them since the series is finished. Do you play video games?? If so he does appear in the Fables game Wolf Amoung Us.
ReplyDeleteThat's sort of his M.O. - sleeping with anyone he can lol. I play the Wolf Among Us - it's so awesome. I cannot wait for the 4th episode.
ReplyDeleteThe 4th episode is out!! FYI.. it is a very short one and you don't really ever have control of Bigby.
ReplyDeleteWonder Woman is amazing! I haven't read a graphic novel in a long while and I kind of miss reading them.
ReplyDeleteYou should pick hers up then... it is fun and involves a lot of mythology which I love!