Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere! I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader and Stacking the Shelves.
It's been another busy week with family. My dad came to see me and then I came back to Utah with him to visit my parents. It's been a great trip. My mom took the week off so we have been doing some tourist type adventures. We did get to tour one of the LDS Temple's in Ogden UT. That might not sound like a big deal but in UT it is. I am not LDS so I would never be allowed in a Temple normally. There is a new one being built so it hasn't been blessed yet so the public is allowed to take tours. The building was beautiful and I loved seeing inside. I just love to see new things.
On the blog:
-This is still Utah Book Month so in the last two weeks I have covered two Utah authors! Kristen Chandler is my first one and the second is Natalie Whipple.
-I review the classic children's book The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
-I review Beauty Queens by Libba Bray ...how many lessons do we need from this book?
-Project Disney- Make Mine Music this is one that a lot of people don't remember or have never even seen!
-MWF seeking BFF by Rachel Bertsche-Review this is a great book about making friends after you are done with school and all those easy ways to make friends. Loved it!
- A new Comic Adventures Issue .. I talk about Catwoman, Flash, Saga, and Forever Evil (DC).
In the blogospere:
-Do you like book series in one binding (by These Paper Hearts)
- The word bookporn is used all the time, are you offended by that term?? By WordRevel
- I am obsessed with book maps and so are the girls over at Oh the Books.
-Bloggiesta is coming up. This time it's the big one and not the mini-one. It's September 18th to 21st and they’re looking for challenge hosts.
-Bookish Things I wish I had more time for by Deadly Darlings. I totally feel the same way they do!
-R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril IX is coming!! If you guys don't know about this readathon you must go and find out. It's for Halloween and it is super fun. I love it! There is a great spooky read along every year too.
This is so fun! Poe on a vlog.... need I say more??
Books Books Books:
No new books this week from the library. I returned them all since I am on a trip. I am catching up on some graphic novels that I have ARCs of and I am also reading a book that was given to me by an author that my mom works with. So it was independently published. I don't normally read books like that but the first one of his was pretty good so I was happy to get the second one.