Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere! I link up my post to Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reader and Stacking the Shelves.
Hello! This is a good week as far as blogging. I have had time to get on here write posts and visit blogs. I have noticed when I comment on blogs with captcha that now there are ads. So if you use it.. just be aware that this is what your followers are seeing when they comment and they might just skip commenting:
This week I also want to talk about a podcast I am in LOVE with. I don't like podcasts.. I don't care to listen to people talk about feelings and what not. I can't even stand listening to morning radio shows. So I don't bother with podcasts. Then I kept seeing people talk about the Welcome to Night Vale podcast. I ignored it.. until I went to the San Diego Comic Con and saw people with tee-shirts that said Night Vale on them. So I finally sat down and checked it out. Seriously I am in love. It is a fictional podcast which really intrigued me. The story is presented as a radio show for the fictional town of Night Vale, reporting on the strange events that occur within it. Check it out.. I will review it when I get further into the series.
-I talk about Utah Book Month
-There is a new Project Disney this week! The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
-I'll be participating in Bout of Books 11 , find my goals and updates here.
- I post about a book I am looking forward to: Waiting on Wendesday - Stephen King Revival
-Movie review time Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles (2014)
- Comic Adventures Issue #17 is published! I talk about Superman, Jack of Fables, Suicide Squad, and Fables.
Around the Blogospere:
-Herding Cats and Burning Soup has a great feature called Blogger to Author where she gives wonderful advice to authors out there and how they should deal with bloggers. Be sure to check out the First Meet post.
-Have you seen all the back and forth between Amazon and writers??? It's crazy. What is the answer to this? Cheaper ebooks is good.. because it's not printed on a physical copy. But in a world where less people are reading should we pay more for books?
-A great post on scheduling your blog posts ahead of time by Snuggly Oranges.
-Do you enjoy high fantasy? RA Salvatore's books the Legend of Drizzt are free right now and are narrated by some great people. Be sure to check it out.
I love these Book Nerd Problem videos by Epic Readers.. the are only a minute long or so and youwill relate.
Books Books Books:
This week I found out that my library is now loaning out Xbox One and PS4 games! So exciting. I checked out Lego Hobbit since I haven't played that one yet. I have quite a few books to read this week for Bout of Books. I really really want to get them read. Dreams of Gods and Monsters, Top Secret Twenty One a Stephanie Plum book, Ruin and Rising just to name a few.