Let's chat about what's going on this week... on my blog.. on other
blogs... on the internet... and just everywhere!
I link up my post to Sunday Post, Bought, Borrowed & Bagged, and Stacking the Shelves.
This week was fun. It was my birthday and Valentine's Day!! Actually... my husband and I share the SAME birthday too. I got a few bookish and geeky gifts. Super fun. My husband got me a fabulous Super Hero cake, he bought me the Postertext print... that feature an entire book on a poster, I bought him some Frostbeard Candles , my mom and dad also sent a wonderful cake from Berries.com. Here is the Alice in Wonderland poster:
On the blog:
I have an amazing time watching the Lego Movie!
I review Fangirl by Rainbow Rowel.
I chat about star reviews and what you think about them.
I participated in the Valentine's Day card exchange with other book bloggers hosted by Fighting Dreamer. The bloggers were revealed who sent out the cards too! Love mine so much. My card came from Thao @ Paper Bunny. She included stickers and even some cute art!! This was sooo fun I hope to do it again next year.
What I found on the blogspere:
Rinn Reads talks about Video Games and why we love them .... if you follow this blog you know I review games on here all the time!
Have you seen these Disney cocktails??? I can't wait to try to make one!
Chrisbookarama talks about swearing in your blog... do you do it or avoid it?
Instalove 101 kicks off this week at A Novel Idea... be sure to check out all the posts all week long.
This should get you excited for Game of Thrones even more!
Books, Books, Books:
I received 20000 Leagues Under the Sea for my Project Disney next week, and I am finally finishing up Champion by Marie Lu. I also have several graphic novels I must get read.. including Before Watchmen which I have been looking forward to for a long time!!