Thursday, January 9, 2014

Procrastinate... Reading??

OK... so we have all read the posts about those of us who procrastinate blogging.  We put off writing reviews, or even checking up on the blogs we follow.  We put off updating that review archive, or finishing that meme in time. We tell ourselves we'll start a calendar to keep these posts going.  But do you ever blog to procrastinate reading?  Confession: That is what I am doing right now.  I have a big book to read and honestly I always dread starting a big book.  Once I get started I am good to go.  But before hand... I start blogging!

I just know if I keep blogging and sit here and think of blogging topics sometimes a Eureka moment will hit me.  So I sit here and think.... though my book is sitting here looking at me "READ ME".  Or if I am really having blogging ideas in my head I'll try to read but the I keep getting the urge to check my blog make blogging notes. I tell myself someone I follow might've posted something, or just get on the internet!  This is when I know I am really not in the mood to read. 

Really sometimes I just have to put the computer away... shoo computer.  I mean.. I have an extremely large book here waiting to be opened and started.  Blogging can wait.  I just want to tell my blog... how can you exist if I don't get some reading done... you are a reading blog after all!   I think sometimes my mind just uses blogging as a way to procrastinate starting that book.  I ponder that there is only an hour till bed, why get going in that book.  I could use that hour to catch up on blogging.  My mind should be thinking the opposite! I guess in the end books and blogging finally mesh and get a long.  What about you, ever procrastinate reading by blogging?? 


  1. I don't know that I use blogging specifically to procrastinate reading... but I know I probably spend more time on blogs and social media than I do reading. There's just so much more out there, ya know? And yeah, there are more books out there too... but comparing the one book I'm currently reading to everything available to me on the internet at the moment... internet seems to get higher priority. Even when most of my internet activity revolves around this common passtime of reading. I guess it is kind of weird.

    1. I am sooo bad at this. At night I am about to start reading a book and then walla! I find another blog to skim through. Or I find myself seeing a new comment so I comment back and then go visit that person's blog. Then I'll start visiting geeky sites like to get caught up on my entertainment news... the list goes on!

  2. Oh, I do that all the time. Especially if I'm too tired, since lately I've only been reading before going to bed. If the book is too big or I'm not that much into it, I just skip the reading time and go straight to bed lol

    1. LOL!! That is the thing about the internet and blogging to me too. I'll say I'll go to bed.. but then I go to this blog and that blog and before you know it, it's been another hour!

  3. I've been experiencing that - just with watching Netflix! I feel like I can make more progress somehow if I finish that episode of Star Trek then read five more chapters! I feel bad though, because blogging is also getting left behind. I still enjoy doing it all, but I guess I need to find a way to organize my time better so everything is balanced.

    Great use of Sherlock gifs btw!!

    1. Oh yea... Netflix. Right now I have been binge watching Supernatural. I am almost through season 1. I started watching it because all my shows are on fall break. So yeah.. Netflix = binges!

  4. Lol, yes, I procrastinate in reading too! Sometimes blogging, watching television, shopping, spending time on the internet, or whatever grabs my attention more than reading. Sometimes reading burnout happens to me and I just need a break.

    1. This is though one of the reasons why I like to read graphic novels/comics. You can totally read those and watch TV at the same time. I feel like I don't have to concentrate as hard on them.

  5. I kind of envy your ability to write what you want and be able to find so many ideas of things to write for your blog. I'm very bad at that - I usually only write reviews. So I don't think I've ever procrastinating reading by blogging more like I hang around Youtube and Goodreads or watch some t.v. Sometimes you can't force reading because you are not in the mood for a reason. For me it's usually because I need to study. So I double procrastinate studying by trying to read but since I'm not in the mood I do something else - if that makes any sense :P

    1. Really it took me a while but then I realized a lot of the time everyone is thinking the same thing as me. So if one night I am sitting here and start pondering something that is book related then why not write about it. I don't miss studying... I can't imagine having to have to study and keep up a blog. Wow!!

  6. I procrastinate reading too, especially if I am starting a new series. It's hard sometimes when I finish a really good series to find another book/series to get into. I do everything I can think of rather than starting the book. I wonder why that is. Like you said, once I get started I am good to go. It's funny how that works.

    1. It is funny how that works. I think this is why I love comics... I sit down for an hour read it .. it's done and I feel like I've read a book. Though in reality I really shouldn't compare the two.

      I agree about finishing a series too. It's like you really need something light because you just don't want to get into a book that is going to take all your emotions!

  7. Hmm, I don't think so! I think it's because I have a typical time of day for blogging (right after school) and a typical time for reading (after I do my homework/before bed). I spend most of Saturday reading, and Sunday blogging. So they never really interfere. Mostly blogging interferes with me doing homework. Like, right now.

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

    1. Wow!! You really have a wonderful schedule set up. I mean perfect!! I love it so much. I suppose since I watch a lot of TV too (right now I am watching Project Runway). I am always squeezing that into my evenings. I should have a TV blog too!!

  8. This is an awesome discussion post Angie! I know I personally am guilty of procrastinating on reading - even if the book sounds like something I'd like. I really need to stop doing that because - like you said - how are our blogs going to keep running if we aren't reading? I think we're all guilty of procrastinating on reading at one point or another though!

    Thanks for sharing!
    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. LOL I know... here I am working on discussion posts and this and that. But then where are the reviews? I think that's why some people with co-bloggers have it so much better. Two people are reading and can both add book reviews. I have tried to enlist friends to help out... even asking some of them to add to my video game reviews but they get blogger fright!

  9. I use my DVR to procrastinate both blogging and reading. :) I do it too much. From October - December, I had my scheduled for a book a day, sometimes 2 because I was crazy. In January I have tried to leave myself some days open. That is bad too though because I put it off until the day before the review is due and then I am hustling to get 400 pages read. :D My brain just hurts sometimes.

    1. Wow!! You sure do set up big goals. I use my DVR so much I don't know how life would be without one. We even have one where you can tape 5 things at once. I guess at least I can blog and watch TV at the same time.

  10. Yep, I'm a procrastinating blogger and am doing so right now. I should go to bed and read but instead decide to prep a book review post for that book I'm currently reading. Although because I'm currently an unmotivated reader that preped post is still in the draft section. Endless cycle.

    1. It is an Endless cycle. Especially if the book you are currently reading isn't sucking you in. Then I kind of put off reading it. Get swept back up into blogging!

  11. I mostly watch tv/bake cookies when I procrastinate reading/blogging. And sometimes I procrastinate reading a book that I WANT to read but afraid it will disappoint by reading another book I know nothing about/don't have immensely expectations for. Lol. I do the same with review books I'm no longer that interested anymore.

    1. That is something I do too now that I think about it. When I don't want to read a book I'll read a short graphic novel/comic instead. Those only take an hour maybe a little longer so their fun to read and I feel like I am not really committing to a big book.

  12. hahaha...this can be true for me, but not the same. I will spend too much time socializing when I should be reading, cooking dinner, cleaning etc. So I do ban my self from the internet during certain hours of the day...LOL

    1. Hilarious! Right now I should be reading and here I am catching up on American Horror Story!! I think that it is good to ban yourself from the internet. I might start not allowing myself to get on the internet right before bed. 10 minutes becomes one hour!

  13. Haha! I tend to procrastinate by reading. Instead of studying, I'll pick up a book instead. I do procrastinate reading ARCs though. I'm a mood reader and read what interests me at the time. So it can take a while for me to pick up an ARC that I need to review right away, which of course has me scrambling at the end to read it. With that being said, I don't think I've ever procrastinated reading with blogging.

    1. LOL! Good for you... you are opposite of me. This is great because reading will help your blog. Me I try to tell myself you need to read and finish that book so you can get a book review up on your site. After all.. it is a book blog. But then I start watching a movie.. or a show... or hell start blog hopping and that book is just sitting here. ARCs are hard. I only read books I want to read I don't normally review ARCs. I feel bad sometimes because I know it helps authors out but I just don't have time for all those books... because you know... TV and all.

  14. I'm guilty of both. I have one book that needs to have a review post written for it and at least one movie review I want to write up.

    Currently the two books I'm reading aren't grabbing my attention so I tend to find excuses to not read those. Usually I don't put off starting a book unless it is huge too.

    1. The huge books are the worst. Those are the ones that I really start fiddling around with other things. I am like ughhh big book. But then I get started and I am like I love this book and can't wait to finish it.

  15. I loved this post and I am glad to hear it is not only me that does this!! Great post!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. PS another reason I procrastinate is that I get overwhelmed with the amount books I need to read.. so I just try not to think about it and do something else... like blogging or blog hopping!!

    2. HA! Yes... I usually have a big old pile from the library sitting here so I really need to read them before they have to be returned. Yet... I continue blog hopping. It's a problem.

  16. I'm more the other way around and if I'm struggling to come up with things to blog about - as I have been lately - I'll procrastinate blogging by reading!

    1. LOL! Sometimes lately I feel like I post too much. I am trying to slow it down a little because I hate to feel like I am spamming my followers. Which I suppose it's not. That is great though that you read instead of blog. Man I need to do that.

  17. All the time! I find myself fixing and tweaking my blog, reading other bloggers posts, commenting on things, etc instead of reading. It is hard because the computer is so involved in my reading. I like to read and update my book progress on Goodreads or take notes on something and a computer is always so close, and they suck you in. I can completely relate.

    1. Hilarious! This is totally me. I know what you mean about the computer being right there. I'll be reading along and then go into my goodreads group and comment there. Or I'll think of this email I need to send then after I send it I am bobbing around on the internet again!!

  18. Aha! I think we are the exact opposite, Angie. I procrastinate on writing blog posts, replying to comments, and blog hopping because I want to read more. Gods, how I wish that I have 2 sets of eyes and hands so can do all of them at the same time.

    Alas, one could only do so much. Gosh, I just love reading over everything else. I really don't reading fat books. As long as the story is interesting then I am good to go.

    Excellent discussion!

    1. I know what you mean about 2 sets of eyes. I have a lot of shows I watch and the other night when I was going to sleep I thought about being able to watch shows in my dreams. How nice would that be??? Just watch my DVR in my dreams.

  19. LOL so turns out I'm not the only one. If you look at the clock right now you'll notice that it's 1:24 AM... I planned to get off at 11:30 so I could read before I went to bed. But then I thought well if I stay on a bit longer I could finish replying to comments and still be on when my sunday posts goes live - which means I could link up to Kimba before I go to bed. Well, responding to comments took longer, kimba had great links (like this one) and ta-da, I've eaten away my reading time with blogging. So yes... My name is Berls and I procrastinate reading. LOL great post! (side note: I'll probably still read and just be miserable tomorrow because I didn't get enough sleep tonight)

    1. OK that is sooo funny. That is totally me. I think... I am going to go to bed at 11... 11 turns into 12. I am totally the same. I start to reply to comments, then visit the blogs of the people who followed me then link up... the look at the blogs who linked up and comment on those. Really though I have to say blog hopping and visiting other blogs is really fun and I do enjoy it!

  20. haha I know what you mean, I procrastinate in a myriad of ways on the internet - i've divided my internet and reading time pretty well. since it's not comfortable for me to have my laptop in bed, i use my ipad and read on that. So during the day I tell myself I'm going to get my blogging and commenting/visiting back done.. then I end up doing.. random things.. like reddit, facebook.. tumblr.. occasionally pinterest.. wherever my fingers wander..

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a procrastinator though! When I'm not in the mood to read and I'm in bed (my reading time) I use my ipad and go to the Overdrive e-library and check out books to read and add them to my wish list.. [I convince myself that I'm still doing something useful..] you can tell how much I've used this method of avoidance of my books because i have over 200 books on my library wish list.. *feigns innocence*

    1. Yes... I forgot to mention the other sites. Pinterest.. Twitter... facebook... goodreads. So not only am I blogging like crazy.. but once I am caught up on there I find myself wondering around elsewhere.

      That is too funny about your library wishlist. I wonder if mine has one now (will surf over there as soon as I am done here now!!). I guess another thing I like about internet and blogging is that I can watch TV while doing it. Where reading I am focused a little more on the book.

  21. Hey yes I should do - though its way less often...normally in moments like that I'll like watch tv (which is so super rare) or I'll fuddle around with some paint and my sketch book. Which I'm doing a lot right now because I haven't been in a huge reading mood.

    1. Ohhhhh painting!! I love that. I wish I was a better artist. I love art sooo much. Recently went to my local art museum and loved the temporary exhibit they had. I can't wait to go again.

  22. Sure, of course I do! I procrastinate blogging by reading, too. I tend to put off reading when the next book I need to read isn't one I'm in the mood to read. On the other hand, sometimes I put off blogging, because I don't know what to say in my review besides, "well, it was OK."

    1. I am about to start a new big book... and here I go again blogging for a an hour instead of reading!! I also have a new TV show on so... hey that distracted me also!! LOL. Those reviews were you don't know what to say are the worst. I just sit there staring at the screen when that happens.
