Monday, January 13, 2014

Blogger Horror Stories!

I wanted to participate in this sooner... but all the days posts are mainly what I already talked about on my blog all month in December.  So I didn't.   This is hosted by Parajunkie... be sure to head over there and check out other blogger horror stories!  I never made a big deal out of these or wrote up those posts you see where people call each other out in public.

I have had two awkward experiences. I don’t know if I would calling them horror stories but they still were odd. One time I co-hosted a blog hop with another blogger. It ended up starting when I went on vacation in Yellowstone. I had no idea that Yellowstone wasn’t going to have internet. I did contact the blogger and said I wouldn’t be able to edit the hop list’s links till a day after the hop started as soon as I discovered that this would be the case. The blogger seemed ticked about it, but didn’t offer to help in anyway. I came back from Yellowstone and started setting up the list. I had several emails from the co-blogger who was really angry with me despite the fact I had reached out to them. I just didn’t really get into it with them and let the hop continue on. It was still successful.

Another time.. I tried to join up with local bloggers in real life. We met up and while it wasn’t bad .. I could tell none of my ideas were being listened to. The two bloggers I met up with already knew each other and were really only listening to themselves with the ideas they already had.  I went ahead and stepped down from continuing to help support the event.  I later also learned that both are marketers for publishers and authors so they really weren’t interested in bloggers but the authors. They wanted to attract business for themselves. So the whole blogger month we had set up was really only about authors and they even had the NERVE to email me and tell me my comments and my post that month wasn’t what they were looking for because I wasn’t trying to include authors. I am not out to meet authors but readers and bloggers. I wasn't wording my comments on their blog correctly. Needless to say… I didn’t respond to that email and I just completely left that whole thing all together. Disaster.  I don't bother to try to meet up locally anymore.

What about you???  Any stories you want to share??  I learned a few lessons from these experiences and I suppose that is what life is all about.